Parts of plants
Plants have two main parts, those that are underground and those that we can see.
The part of the plant it´s underground is called root. The root has three functions:
- The roots stabilise the plant in the ground so it does not blow away.
- The roots absorb water from the soil.
- The roots store the food.
The part of the plant we can see is called shoot. The shoot has different parts:
- The stem: it´s the part of the plant that holds the plant up towards the sunlight and it carries the water from the roots to the rest of the plant.
- The leaves: they take in sunlight to make food (photosynthesis) and take carbon dioxide and release oxigen.
- The flowers: they are bright and colourful in order to attract insects and they produce pollen.
- The fruits: are the part of a flowering plant that contains the seeds.
- The seeds: new plants grow from seeds.